TO : John Lame
FROM : Kevin Smith
SUBJECT : Permission to refund customer $150
You and I both know the company refund policy. However, I’ve recently been dealing with a customer in which I believe we should make an exception for.
Five weeks ago, Jane Boles ordered our L2000 HP Slim. This model, being one of our more popular computers, was on backorder. I advised Ms. Boles to send a check immediately to receive her computer as soon as it came in. She complied with sending the check, and has followed up with me weekly. I have still not been able to fill her order. As an Alternative I told her we could send her the same model, only without a CD-ROM drive and it could be there in a week.
After giving Ms. Boles this information she decided to go ahead with the alternative order. However, there is a price difference of $150 between the original order and the alternative. Ms. Boles is requesting that a check be cut immediately since we are at fault and she has complied diligently with all of our requests. After explaining our policy to her, she became furious and felt as though I had deceived her.
I feel that we should give Jane her refund check even though it’s against policy because it was an error on the parts department. Her order was on delay for weeks because of our incompetence. As a result of it she is now threatening to cancel the whole order. I can level with her frustration because she may be at a huge inconvenience without this computer. Not cutting the check will lose the company money and possibly damage our reputation.
To keep goodwill and loyal customers I think in this case, policy should be broken. Please contact me with your decision as soon as possible.