Cited: Gundersen Lutheran Hospital (Lacrosse, WI): "Life…Pass It On." Undated brochure. Iowa Life Gift Coalition on Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness: "Share Your Life, Share Your Decision." 1996 brochure. Iowa Statewide Organ Procurement Organization: "Be an organ donor…it’s the chance of a lifetime!" undated brochure. LifeSource:Newsnotes. October 1998. Accessed November 2, 1998. . LifeSource: Questions and Answers. April 1998. Accessed November 2, 1998. . LifeSource: Statistics. October 1998. Accessed November 2, 1998. . South Dakota Lions Eye Bank: "No Greater Gift…Than Yourself To Others." Undated brochure. University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics: "A Circle of Life: The Gift of Organ and Tissue Donation." 1991 brochure
Cited: Gundersen Lutheran Hospital (Lacrosse, WI): "Life…Pass It On." Undated brochure. Iowa Life Gift Coalition on Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness: "Share Your Life, Share Your Decision." 1996 brochure. Iowa Statewide Organ Procurement Organization: "Be an organ donor…it’s the chance of a lifetime!" undated brochure. LifeSource:Newsnotes. October 1998. Accessed November 2, 1998. . LifeSource: Questions and Answers. April 1998. Accessed November 2, 1998. . LifeSource: Statistics. October 1998. Accessed November 2, 1998. . South Dakota Lions Eye Bank: "No Greater Gift…Than Yourself To Others." Undated brochure. University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics: "A Circle of Life: The Gift of Organ and Tissue Donation." 1991 brochure