Since ADHD is a chronic disorder it cannot be cured, but there is medication available to help with the symptoms of ADHD. This kind of medication is not available over the counter. The main types of ADHD drugs are methylphenidates, one of which is Ritalin. Ritalin is classified as a psych stimulate drug. It also comes in a variety of forms: straight Ritalin, SR Ritalin, Metadate CD and ED, Focalin TM, and the strongest of them all Concerta (Nagera and Emeritus). ADHD drugs are a fast working “chill pill”. They help reduce the symptoms of ADHD, but there are good and bad traits about these medications. Some good traits about these drugs is it helps a person with: less trouble with school and homework, fidgeting, being able to control emotions, being patient and with impulsiveness, have better relationships with friends and family, and it increases self-esteem(Brayden). With good there is also bad, so the bad traits of ADHD drugs are: dizziness, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, dry mouth, and mood swings. A person with ADHD shows three major characteristic traits; inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. In these characteristic traits there are sub traits. Some sub symptoms of inattention are: difficulty concentrating, unrelated thoughts, unable to focus and keep attention on one thing, acts like they are not listening, has difficulty planning, organizing, and completing tasks on time, problems learning new things, and poor modification of different situations. In the category hyperactivity, the symptoms include: not being able to sit still, being fidgety, deals with more than one activity, and tries to multi-task. The last category is impulsivity; there are only two symptoms which are: acting before they think and being impatient (American Speech). In order to diagnose a person with ADHD they have to meet certain criteria set by the DSM-IV. The person must have at least six symptoms for six months in both categories A and B. Category A contains the…