Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to the influences of peer pressure and pop culture, and may be inclined to experiment. However all these choices may have a negative impact
on their long term health and well being. Binge drinking is the practice of consuming large quantities of alcohol in a single session, usually defined as five or more drinks at one time for a …show more content…
Except in limited circumstances in some jurisdictions, it’s also illegal for adults to purchase alcohol on behalf of minors on licensed premises. It’s now also illegal in most states and territories in Australia to give alcohol to anyone under the age of 18 on private property, even in homes, without the young person’s parent or legal guardian
agreeing first. Anyone who supplies alcohol, including both adults and minors, to someone who is under 18 can be charged and receive a hefty fine. This means if someone who is under 18 gives alcohol to someone else who is underage, the person who supplied the alcohol can be fined. This legislation is called secondary supply law.
Factors that contribute to binge drinking:
Fun, feel good ,celebrate, relax
Push boundaries
External influences from elders