Kids can be curl and quick to judge. Sometimes it is because they would taught to live there life one wat and they think everyone live their lives the same way as them. But when a child is raised by gay parents the most likely are able to see multiple ways people live there life. This is one reason why kids of gays are just like their peers, but have been taught to be more tolerant of differences in people. “We might be more open because we grew up taught to love everyone.” Says Elizabeth. Also as the 21st century comes it brings more gay people Surveys show they are finding rates on the order of 10 percent of children raise in the home of gay parents turn out to be gay themselves. This is higher than the general accepted range between 1 and 4 percent of the population that constitute gays. So it looks like …show more content…
How would you feel if you had a two moms or two dads? Would you feel awkward talking to one of your dads about something that you would usually talk to a female about? Research shows that being caught between two worlds can be confusing for a child. But also having a gay parent might be the best thing that happens to a child. Because an organization started where the combined gay adoption with child welfare and they got 500,000 or more foster kids a stable home. But some people where hesitant at first to have gay adoption and gay parents fostering. They were most concerned about emotional issues and the quality of the child’s life. But they clearly decide on it and it has made a huge impact on the