Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen.
Today, the topic for our debate is on whether “the benefits of transgenic species outweigh the ethical considerations.” We, the negative team, believe that this statement is false. The first affirmative speaker has tried to tell you that transgenic plant species are a revolutionary new way to produce crops with dramatically increasing yields and as a result, this will increase the farmlands’ productivity. However, this is wrong. In fact, as evidence suggests, the introduction of transgenic crops are doing very little to increase overall crop yields.
The second affirmative speaker spoke to you on how transgenic animals provides a shortcut to the development of animals …show more content…
It is highly questionable if Monsanto did, in fact, deliver the crops as they had claimed according to Doug Gurian-Shermanafter’s book “Failure to yield”. After more than 20 years of research and 13 years of commercialisation in the United States, it can be concluded that transgenic species crops have done little to increase overall crop yields. A report by researchers from the University of Wisconsin also suggest to us that transgenic developed plants have still a “long way from generating higher crop yields with fewer inputs.’’ Our first speaker also spoke that one of the major factors that led to an estimated 125,000 cotton farmers taking their own life was that of transgenic cotton failing to …show more content…
Biotechnology – (
This source I have taken from the BBC, a well trusted website that contains reliable information. The article is not of controversial nature and information I read was not susceptible to any bias. It is well established in both length and information – I found this to be a high reliable source.
2. Do GMO Crops Really Have Higher Yields? – ( philpott/2013/02/do-gmo-crops-have-lower-yields)
This source I am unsure of how reliable it may be, as a correspondent for a journal wrote it. This article’s information may not be 100% accurate and it was only last updated early in the year. For these reasons it is not entirely reliable but still of medium reliability.
3. Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods (
This website contained an extensive References section that contains reliable sources. It was written by a reliable source – the centre for research on Globalisation and this makes it more of a high reliability source than my second