(Shirley Daniels) says that the management of customer value is an advanced version of the measurement of customer satisfaction (2000). However, Godiva takes some simple steps to create customer value.
Product Benefits
(Day 1990; Peter & Olson 1990) “From the consumer’s point of view, the products are seen as a range of benefits, not traits. However, Godiva have managed to gain great success by refreshing it’s brand and introducing new range every now and then, the range of their luxury chocolates are affordable and available to the consumers.
Service Benefits
The Godiva luxury chocolate range is available in more than 10,000 super stores around the globe. The company delivers catalogs at every seasonal turn in North America; it also accepts orders on the phone and internet.
Relational Benefits
The Company has provided manufacturing facilities to the United States and Belgium. Godiva operates 450 or more shops around the globe, trying to reach as close as to their consumers.
Image Benefits
(Vicki Lane & Robert Jacobson) says “Brand name is important because it somehow is the source of maintaining and enhancing profits” (1995). However, Godiva is a well-known brand in the chocolate industry; they have managed to create brand loyalty among their regular customers and have maintained up to their expectations.
Monetary Costs
The growth in the turnover has been constant over the past years at Godiva, to maintain the product supply frequent Godiva has been in contract with other workplaces for packaging and labeling, at every seasonal change Godiva has to place discount offers to keep the flow of their stock thus affecting the overall profits.
Time Costs
The number of the sub-contractors has been constantly high due to the excessive transport hours, hours spent in the packaging of the product.
Energy Costs
Godiva has limited manufacturing sites around the globe but there are still thousands of
References: Albert Wenben Lai (1995) ,"Consumer Values, Product Benefits and Customer Value: a Consumption Behavior Approach", in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 22, eds. Frank R. Kardes and Mita Sujan, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 381-388. Vicki Lane & Robert Jacobson, (1995) Journal of Marketing Hessenatie Logistics, member of H.Essers © 2011 Case Study: Integrated Chocolate Platform Shirley Daniels, (2000), Customer Value Management, Leads, U.K A GXS Case Study, Godiva Chocolatier