I think that one of the great leaders is the organization PETA. I believe that what they are trying to do to save animals is admirable and that they are helping to change people’s views on animal abuse. PETA stand for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. PETA is the largest animal rights organization with more than 3 million followers. PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns. PETA was founded in March 1980 by Ingrid Newkirk. They are most widely known in the united stated by their “I’d rather go naked than wear fur”. Many celebrities have participated and have gone naked for the campaign. They brought celebrities into the campaign to get more people to understand their organization and to help people understand what they are fighting for.
I also believe in helping helpless animals. Animals go through many struggles that we as humans put on to them. They are quickly going extinct because of poachers. Animals have things tested on them that humans don’t want tested on us. I don’t think its okay to force poor and innocent animals to do things that we as humans don’t want to do. Their living conditions are less than humane and the animals are suffering. I think that an organization that stops animal cruelty is an organization that I would like to back and I think many others agree with me. They have created a fan base that will help the following generations understand why animals are important and that we should treat them that way.
I believe that my choice is a leader because they have 3 million followers who agree with that they are doing. They have people who volunteer and are willing to help the animals and fight for animals that don’t have a voice. They have shown people what is out there and how the animals are treated and by doing so have brought many people to try and help the animals. The visible signs of leadership are being able to show people information and they are willing to follow. PETA was created by one woman fighting for the rights of a monkey and people started to open their eyes to what is going on to the animals being “tested” on. The organization grew without much in the way to “marketing”. Although, some of PETA’s actions are rash and out of the ordinary what they are fighting for is pure. PETA as an organization is very strong in situations and don’t back down easily. PETA is also conscientious; it is very organized and takes what is said about them very seriously. They are very outspoken about what they think.
Ingrid was rightfully appointed to be the leader of PETA because she founded the organization. She has fought many battles against animal cruelty and won. She truly believes in her organization and it shows in her work and dedication. The followers of PETA are the people who have adopted animals or stopped using products that are tested on animals. I think that this generation has changed because of animal activists and PETA seems to be the loudest voice heard. People are thinking about animals and how they are treated and are adopting and not “shopping” for designer dogs anymore. Animals need a voice and I think PETA has given one to them. The outcomes of this leadership are better living conditions for all animals and hopefully longer life spans. One of the most powerful outcomes will be keeping animals from extinction. We need animals to keep our eco system striving. I think that the people who think this organization is a leader are people who also believe in the ethical treatment of animals. People who will stand up and help animals whenever they can are the people that this organization looks for. PETA has had many controversies but no one can say anything about their willingness to help animals who can never return the favor.