I believe that Gardner has done a very good job in developing his concept of the “five minds”. Gardner’s first mind, the disciplined mind allows us to improve our skills over time (Gardner 2008, p.3). The synthesizing mind is the ability to put bits of information together. The creating mind is needed when working in volatile conditions (Gardner 2008, p.7). It is very enlightening and applicable to the modern world. In the current era of rapidly developing science and technology, Gardner also suggests that readers should have some mastery in both fields to contribute to the continuing growth of the sectors (Gardner 2008, p.13). Nevertheless, we should possess the respective mind and the ethical mind to balance the other three minds, in order to create comfortable and humane working environments; otherwise workplaces are just going to be areas of cut-throat competitions and intense rivalries.
I myself have experienced this kind of working environment, where it was a tense and competitive world with employees trying to “climb over” each other for the sake of their