Ibstock Group Leadership & Management ILM 3 Programme
Assignment 1: 8600 - 310 – Understanding How to Motivate People in the work place
1 Understand the factors that influence motivation levels in the workplace.
1.1 Define the term motivation.
Motivation within a working environment describes ways in which managers, supervisors and leaders, promote productivity in individuals and teams. Motivation describes the level of desire employees feel to perform, and is an internal, personal process that makes a person or team move toward a goal. All people have needs that they want satisfied so the search for that satisfaction/desire could be classed as motivation. It must also be noted that motivation can’t be directly observed. Instead, motivation can only be observed by looking at a person’s or team’s behavior. If they can be observed to have the desire to work towards their needs they must have motivation.
1.2 Describe the factors that may affect motivation levels in the workplace.
There are four basic factors that will affect motivation levels within a workplace.
The Leadership Style. This key factor will influence how people feel about the company and how motivated they are in there role. Changing the leader changes the feel of the company and can either enhance or detract from the performance of people within the organization. The leadership style implemented depends on the goals and objectives of the company, the people working in the company, and external environmental factors. In the armed forces, directed and dictatorial leadership would be preferred, people are told what to do and follow orders and people will act quickly with no emotional comebacks. This leadership style would not work so well in an average office environment as employees want to speak out, be heard, and have an influence on their own work. A second leadership style is collegial, where one person may be in charge of a department but