Presenting Symptoms: Peter reported that since the death of his father and illness of his mother, he suffers from frequent stomach and headaches. In addition, Peter disclosed experiencing symptoms of anxiety such as difficulty sleeping, irritability, and poor concentration at work and at home. Peter reported that he often feels numb, detached, …show more content…
Recently, Peter’s mother was diagnosed with liver cancer. Peter reports genetic predispositions of alcoholism, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders. Also, Peter reports that he was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder around the age of 16-years-old, but has not experienced any symptoms since graduating from college. Peter reports no medical illness but he disclosed multiple psychiatric episodes and treatment history. Peter reports no history or current experience with substance abuse or use of drugs or alcohol. Peter denies any thoughts of suicidality and homicidality. Peter’s reported therapeutic goals are to reduce presenting symptoms and improve his family's