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We affirm the resolution: Resolved: In the United States, students should be guaranteed two years of free tuition to a community or technical college. To put this debate into context, we offer several observations. First, the resolution is clearly selected in context of Obama’s recent announcements and proposals, therefore, we should debate Obama’s community college plan: free community college for 2 credit years, full-time or part-time and regardless of age, as long as you maintain a 2.5 GPA. Second, Obama’s Initiative expands older programs such as college grants and technical training help. Contention 1: Community College decreases socioeconomic stratification The United States still has serious issues when it comes to the distribution of education and employment among different demographics. For example, White household median wealth is 13 times greater than Black household median wealth and 11 times more than Hispanic household median wealth. Minorities and older students, the most common victims of disenfranchisement and unemployment see the most benefits from free vocational training. For example, about half of all Hispanics who attend college are enrolled in a two-year community college, more than any race or ethnicity, according to U.S. Department of Education data. Community and Technical college degrees will allow disadvantaged minorities to reach middle class jobs. And a stronger middle class would help foster a healthier economy, triggering a ripple effect that could benefit Americans in all socio-economic brackets. Concentrating on the racial gap will alleviate regular income inequality as well. CNN Money reports that income inequality results in gaps in health and educational attainment, trapping the poor in a cycle. In 1990, the lifespan gap is estimated to be