Why is not filling these prescriptions not considered ethical? A pharmacist’s obligation is to fill all prescriptions. There are many points as to why they should. First, pharmacists have a greater obligation to provide for patients and their health concerns rather than to adhere to their own personal morals. Second, pharmacists are not forced upon their job, these individuals knew the responsibilities that came along with it. Furthermore, women that are met with an unexpected sexual encounter or assault need emergency contraceptives. Women also use contraceptives for a variety of reasons, not only to prevent a pregnancy.
Continuing on, why pharmacists are …show more content…
Within Kant’s philosophy there is a categorical imperative. This imperative is not concerned with desires, consequences, and wants. It focuses on one’s duty to fulfill. Also, Kantian ethics makes a requirement for autonomy. Meaning women have the freedom from external control and have the capacity to make a decision for oneself. Why should a particular pharmacist tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body? It is of a pharmacist’s professional obligation to respect the decision of the patient regardless of beliefs. By refusing to fulfill these prescriptions, a pharmacist would be acting immoral and against the universal moral law. The universal law is expressed through one’s duties and