This article was very surprising to me I was amase at what the findings from the survey were when it come to prayrer at public school graduations. The majority of prayer at public school graduation came from state in the south followed by states in the Midwest. State in the east came in third and sadly were I live state in the west came in last. But the most surprising and positive statistic came from the percentage of students that were involved in prayer at public school graduations, that percentage was 70 percent. That means that 70 percent of the time prayer at public schools was given by a students, which is a great number for our youth. It was also suprising that only 114 of the 4231 school districs had an actual policy regarding prayer at school. This was an interesting article I agree with what the author had to say but it was more about how schools were conducting prayer.
Barber Larry.”Prayer At Public School Graduation: A Survey”. Phi Delta Kappan October 1993