One concept discussed in Philosophy 1 that I think is particularly applicable to my course – Bachelor of Science Development Communication, is the ‘Philosophy of Language.’ I have chosen this concept because we all know that philosophy of language is concerned on the problem: “When we say something, it must be meaningful. How then can we know if statements are meaningful or not?” While the Development Communication or commonly known as ‘Devcom’ is “the art and science of human communication linked to a society’s planned transformation from a state of poverty to one dynamic socio-economic growth that makes for greater equality and the larger unfolding of individual potential.” Connecting each other, I can say that devcom needs philosophy of language in order to be an effective devcom practitioner. If I will use philosophy of language in practicing devcom profession, I will be able to know what statement I will articulate in order to make my campaign more meaningful and truthful.
Development communication tends to help others using communication. That is why we visit communities, briefly seeing their situation and pertaining the way of their living. For example, last September 5, 2011 we went to Bay, Laguna for a community visit. I believe that we have different kinds of crowd there. They are not like the UP students whom I used to be with. We have different perspectives and perceptions in life. At first I really had a hard time talking to them, as I do not know where to start. I do not know if I will be able to get along with them or if they will just misinterpret everything that I will say. Because of this, I comprehend that I must be more sensitive and conscious to the things I will utter.
By the use of the things I learned in philosophy of language, I can think of ways that will help the people in the community not to misunderstand me. I can verify the things