Becoming a successful non-commissioned officer (NCO) is one of the biggest yet most challenging accomplishments a Soldier can achieve during their military career. To be a successful leader, an NCO needs to understand their own strengths and weaknesses while recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of their Soldiers. This allows NCOs to maintain balance within their sections while developing junior Soldiers into future leaders.
As a leader, it is important to lead from the front, learn from a lateral position and grow with an open mind. Encouraging and motivating Soldiers on a daily basis is important; empathy and compassion are vital characteristics that bring balance, respect and trust to a unit. I believe Soldiers …show more content…
Doing the right thing when no one is around, not backing down from a situation and standing up for what is right builds trust and respect. Lack of personal courage creates vulnerability and can open the door to potential manipulation from peers. Standing up for what is right creates a positive environment based on trust, fairness and equality.
My leadership philosophy focuses on active listening and trust building. I believe teaching, encouragement, motivation and building a Soldier’s confidence should be a priority when developing Soldiers. I personally strive to teach the fundamentals while encouraging my Soldiers to think on a broader level. I aim to motivate them to make good decisions that will impact all of their future endeavors. In doing so, I hope they do the same for anyone they may encounter throughout their lives. I feel these skills make me an effective and productive member within my organization.
It takes a strong individual to accept that they are not perfect and that they will make some mistakes along the way. Keeping an open mind, seeking knowledge to continuously grow and development as an individual will help any NCO become a successful leader. I believe it takes time and dedication to grow as an NCO in order to develop the skills necessary to mold junior Soldiers into future