Given choices, can someone purchase porn under 18
Pornography (by depicting sexuality in a graphic and explicit fashion) does not merely serve to offend some members of society, but it serves to actually cause “harm” society, therefore it ought to be censored (see Module 12). 1. What is pornography? 2. What is the difference between pornography and erotica? Is a picture of Michangelo's statue of David erotic or pornographic? 3. What exactly about pornography makes it objectionable? 4. Is it possible for pornography to be harmful? 5. If pornography is harmful, exactly what is it about pornography that makes it harmful? 6. What is the remedy for the possible harm that may be produced by pornography? 7. Is it possible that any feasible remedy for pornography may be more harmful than tolerating the existence of pornography?
Position 1 tends to reflect the libertarian stance that people should be free to openly enjoy pornography and that, at the end of the day, no real harm is done by exercising this individual freedom. Position 4 could be described as the "soft libertarian" position in the sense in that it recognizes that some people will find pornography distasteful, but that any effort to "correct" this situation will result in a greater evil for society (loss of liberty/paternalism etc ...) and so the appropriate response to produce the least amount of overall evil for society is tolerance.
what kind of harm does pornography purportedly inflict on society?
Argument of transferring the depection of the porno into reality
Politically speaking, under one view, pornography is something that an enlightened or liberal society could tolerate even if it did not find it personally