Physical and physiological attributes of female team handball players
The main purpose of this article is to review a series of studies (N = 18) on the physical characteristics, physiological attributes, throwing velocity and accuracy, and on-court performances of female team handball players. Studies were selected from a computerized search in electronic databases (Pub Med, SPORT Discus) as well as from a manual search. Five main findings emerged from this review: (1) a tall and heavy build was advantageous in team handball--mean height ranged from 165.9 [+ or -] 3 cm to 179 [+ or -] 4 cm and mean body mass ranged from 62.4[+ or -]6.2 kg to 72.0[+ or -]6.3 kg; (2) V[O.sub.2]max values of female players were between 47-54 mlkg-hmin-1; (3) throwing velocity was higher by as much as 11% in elite female players compared to amateur female players; (4) during 90% of playing time, heart rate (HR) was above 85% of HRmax, and the average V[O.sub.2] was 79% of VO/max in female players; and (5) on-court distance covered averaged approximately 4 km and varied between 2-5 km in female players, depending on the playing position of the player. Most of the studies reviewed were cross-sectional, and only a few reported data on on-court performance. There is a need for additional manipulative studies to determine the influence of various training programs on game performance. In addition, conditioning programs that develop power and strength should be emphasized, and attention should be given to the player's playing position and skill level.
| Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal |
Jan 1, 2011