Required Components
Nursing Process
Required Components
General survey
1. General appearance & behavior
2. Posture
3. Gait
4. Hygiene
5. Speech
6. Mental Status
7. Vital Signs
8. Nutritional Status
Head and Neck
1. Symmetry
2. Head & hair
3. Ears/Hearing
5. EOM
6. Convergence/Accommodation
7. Color/condition conjunctiva
8. Color/condition of mucus membranes
9. Nose
10. Mouth/teeth
11. ROM of neck
12. Cervical nodes
13. Palpate trachea for symmetry
14. Carotids, auscultate optionally
15. JVD
Upper extremities
1. Skin – condition,
2. Palpate for temperature, sensation, muscle tension/firmness
3. Capillary refill
4. Turgor
5. Pulses
6. Strength
7. ROM
1. Inspect Thoracic expansion, symmetry
2. Inspect respiratory pattern
3. Palpate for tenderness, symmetry, and fremitus
4. Auscultate normal & abnormal sounds
5. Auscultate breath sounds (identify areas for normal breath sounds A & P)
6. Discuss anatomy
1. Inspect for abnormal pulsations
2. Palpate PMI
3. Auscultate heart sounds, identify sites, normal sounds, terminology
4. Discuss anatomy
1. Inspect for symmetry, pulsations, bladder distention
2. Auscultate for Bowel Sounds X 4
3. Light palpation for surface lumps or nodules
4. Discuss/demonstration assessment for abdominal pain
5. Discuss underlying anatomy
Lower Extremities
1. Inspect Skin – condition, hair distribution.
2. Palpate for temperature, sensation, muscle tension/firmness
3. Capillary refill
4. Pulses
5. Pedal and Ankle Edema
6. Strength, dorsal and plantar flexion
7. ROM
8. Homan’s Sign