Stacie Shirk
PED 212
Instructor French
January 11, 2013
Dribbling with your Feet
Section 1: 1. Grade level: Second Grade 2. Estimated level of developmental stage: predictable, self-paced (Hastie, 2012). 3. Number of students: Twenty 4. Fundamental skill (to be taught): Dribbling a soccer ball with their feet 5. State standard for Washington State (NASPE, 2008) a. Demonstrates locomoter skills in a variety of activities and lead-up games i. Example: Uses walking/jogging/running skills in soccer ii. Demonstrates manipulative skills with stationary targets 1. Example: Kicks a ball toward a goal iii. Demonstrates mature form in manipulative skills in a variety of activities 2. Example: Traps a ball in soccer
Section 2: 1. Student objective: a. As a result of this lesson students will be able to demonstrate dribbling skills while both walking and then jogging. Students will also be able to demonstrate trapping a ball and kicking a ball towards a stationary object. 2. Lesson description b. During this activity students will practice dribbling a ball with their feet; first walking and then jogging. Students will maintain control of the ball using the inside of their foot while dribbling the ball between cones towards the pop-up goal at the end of the field. Once the student reaches the last cone they will then trap the ball with their foot and take aim at the goal. 3. Classroom management system and student grouping c. Students will be divided into five groups with four students in each group; each student will receive a shape card and will then be grouped according to the shape displayed on the card. Students will be reminded at the start of class regarding the class rules and consequences. Students will be reminded to use kind words, respect others around you, listen carefully, use equipment properly, and if in
References: Hastie, P. (2012). Foundations of moving & learning. San Diego, CA. Bridgepoint Education, Inc. NASPE (2008). Washington State K-12 state standards. Retrieved from