Instruction Format Instruction will be given in a whole-to-parts format. I will demonstrate the new activity, present someone who can demonstrate it, or provide a video of each activity I introduce as a whole. Then I will break the activity into “pieces” and teach it section by section with several opportunities to recite all learned parts of the activity. This will continue until all the learned parts can be recited fluently as a whole.
Behavior Management To ensure minimal undesired behavior I will navigate around the gymnasium constantly in no predictable pattern. With my back to the wall at all possible times my eyes will consistently scan the room for proper technique and opportunities to assistant with improving a student’s technique. My classroom will be managed in a manner that promotes discussion and the sharing of ideas between all members. Students will respect and empathize with fellow classmates and their physical differences. It will be arranged so that I can observe and monitor everyone’s behavior. Also, class activities will be arranged with an ease of transition from one station or skill to the next. My relationship with my students will be open and honest, and non-threatening to learning and mistakes during the learning process. I will make a conscious effort from day to day to treat my students the way I would like for them to treat one another. My class will also have a voice in the selection of activities so that they feel a part of something special and that their opinions and thoughts matter. Students that display undesired behavior will be given a set time to refrain from the activity with the rest of the class. With each repeated offense the time will be
References: Beighle, A. & Pangrazi, R. P. (2010). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children (16th ed.). San Francisco: Pearson Ormrod, J. (2006). Educational psychology developing learners (5th ed.). Merrill Education/Prentice Hall