The remedial processes for the pollution in the environment are getting very expensive and this problem is increasing around the world, the processes are getting unreachable for some places were the pollution is starting to affect humans and animals in a serious way. The phytoremediation process, is a process that is use to reduce or remove the pollution form land, water, sediments and air using living plants. In this process the plants degrade of break down the pollutants or remove and stabilize metal contaminants. This is a very efficient process, and is one of the most accessible, it is estimated that it cost form $25-$100 per ton of soil and $0.60- $6.00 per 100 gallons of water.
The 26 of April of 1986, a nuclear reactor from Chernobyl explodes causing high levels of radiations taking over the city. The people were evacuated, but the area was completely polluted. The stock started eating plants that grow in polluted soils and the meet that was taken from the cow and eaten by humans had an accumulation of toxins. To prevent this the state start planting green plants in the polluted soil to remove the toxins. They found toxic metals such as iodine, cesium-137, strontium, and plutonium in the soil, plants and animals. The soil of Chernobyl was also very polluted with metal-laden soils, but they found 2 kind of plants Brassica juncea and Brassica carinata which are the best plants to remove big quantities of chromium, lead, copper and nickel and some additional products. They also found the perfect plant that can remove 95% of the toxic contaminants from soil and water. The plant is called Helianthus sp, and is a development of a sunflower, this plant was planted in the end of a polluted pond near Chernobyl, in the time of 12 days the roots of the plants have extracted 8,000 times the concentration of cesium than the one of the water and 2,000 time the concentration of strontium than the one in the water. This was one of the most