The first two aspect of adolescent egocentrism Elkind name was the false conclusion of personal fable and invincibility. The personal fable is the adolescent’s belief that his or her thoughts, feelings, and experiences are unique, more wonderful or awful than anyone else’s (Berger, 2014). The invincibility fable adolescent’s egocentric conviction that he or she cannot be overcome or even harmed by anything that might defeat a normal mortal, such as unprotected sex, drug abuse, or high- speed driving (Berger, 2014).
The three and last aspect of adolescent egocentrism Elkind name was the false conclusion of imaginary audience. In Imaginary audience “the other people who, in an …show more content…
“The formal operational stage usually starts at about eleven years and run till adulthood. In Piaget’s theory, the fourth and final stage of cognitive development, characterized by more systematic logical thinking and by the ability to understand and systematically manipulate abstract concepts” (Berger, 2014 p. 334). Piaget used different experiments to test his formal operational theory in contrast to concrete operational children of how children thought and reasoning has changed in this