The aorta is the largest artery in the body. The aorta begins at the top of the left ventricle, which is the heart's muscular pumping chamber. The heart pumps blood into the aorta from the left ventricle through the aortic valve. So at worst cases (as in strokes or traumas), the pumping of the heart can also be felt in the aorta as well. Based on the pumping of the heart, voltage will be generated from the piezoelectric crystal. This is because, whenever physical strain is applied to the faces of the crystal, a corresponding amount of voltage is generated. This voltage is converted into current using a converter. A suitable wave is generated based on this current output from the memristor. The memristor’s inbuilt resistance value increases when there is a higher current value due to abnormal vibration. This change in resistance will cause the output current value to increase, which in turn will result in a variation in the wave …show more content…
B. Memristor
Memristor, the contraction of memory resistor, is a passive device that provides a functional relation between charge and flux. It is defined as a two-terminal circuit element in which the flux between the two terminals is a function of the amount of electric charge that has passed through the device. The Memristor is not an energy storage element.
The most notable property of a memristor is that it can save its electronic state even when the current is turned off, making it a great candidate to replace today's flash memory. An outstanding feature is its ability to remember a range of electrical states rather than the simplistic "on" and "off" states that today's digital processors recognize.
Similarly a Pressure sensor can be placed in a tiny artery and the same method can be followed to generate an IR output based on the pressure variations in the respective artery. This increases the accuracy of the