When it comes down to how these dogs are known, pit bulls often get the wrong end of the stick. Rebecca Skloot, an experienced veterinary …show more content…
Scott Shenk states that Sara Meehan “conducts a parenting class for owners of pit bulls” (1). A parenting class is a great way to insure the owner is properly caring for the dog. It teaches them how to handle any situations that may occur. It also teaches them how most confrontation can be avoided, which eventually leads to a better name. Another major key is neutering. “86 percent of fatal dog attacks involve unneutered male dogs” (Pit Bulls Are Just). Not properly neutering a pit bull causes them to become aggressive. By getting this procedure done pit bulls will be friendlier dogs. This is a great beginning to a change that needs to be made. The pit bull reputation will take a tremendous amount of work to correct, but that is no reason to just accept the way things are right now. People who own pit bulls should start with these few ideas and go from …show more content…
People just need to give them a chance. According to Melanie “They are loyal, and will do anything to be loved and given attention” (4). A loyal dog is the best kind of dog to have as a family pet. It will always be around to cheer up the children. It will always be around to give the family something to laugh about. It will always help bond the family together in a way nothing else can. One way they do this is through their facial expressions. Melanie states “Pit bulls have some of the most expressive faces of all dogs” (4). Everyone loves seeing their dog make goofy faces. Some smile, some frown, some may even stick their tongue out. Pit bulls are great when it comes to making silly faces. It is as if they communicate by facial expressions. It can really help make someone's day. Instead of making false predictions about these dogs, people need to give them a chance to prove themselves. If one were to keep a pit bull as a pet and treat it correctly, there's no doubt that it would be a great