2. IntroductionFast food is one of the world’s largest fast growing industrytypes. India’s fast food industry is growing by 40%. The 6000corer fast food retail industry is mainly dominated by themultinational players and the key players which are active inthe research of the food retailing. Because of the availability ofraw material for fast food, global chains are flooding into thecountry. The percentage share held by foodservice of totalconsumer expenditure on food has increased from a very lowbase to stand at 2.6% in 2001. Eating at home remains verymuch ingrained in Indian culture and changes in eating habits are very slow moving with barriers to eating out entrenched incertain sectors of Indian society. The growth in nuclear families, particularly in urban India, exposure to global mediaand western cuisine and an increasing number of womenjoining the workforce have had an impact on eating out trends.
3. Major players in fast food are: McDonald KFC Pizza hut Dominos pizza Café coffee day Barista Subway Papa John’s Smokin joe’s
4. Market shares and major playersIndian taste buds are demanding more and pizza industry – oneof the most intensive industry is all gearing on. People acrossthe country are consuming over three million pizzas a monthcurrently, and the monthly sales figures are projected todouble in the next four years. According to industry data, of thetotal branded quick service restaurant market make a sale ofover Rs 1,200 Crore, the pizza chains contribute around 50 percent of the sales i.e. worth Rs. 600 Crore.Market share as on 1999 PIZZA CHAIN MARKET SHARE (%) Pizza Hut 46.42 Dominos 21.67 Others 31.91 Source: Financial ExpressMarket share as on 2000 Pizza Chain 2000 Market Share (%) Pizza Hut 18 Dominos 70* Others 12 Source: Business Standard, As claimed by the company
5. Current Market Shares Branded