Failure to Report affects the United States Army and it’s mission. Failure to Report is not clearly definably in violation of any one article. It may be, however, in violation of Article 92. This article covers a failure to obey an order or a regulation. Failure to Report falls into this article simple because the order is given by a senior ranking individual. This can be done orally, which is most common, and verbally, such as a training schedule. By not reporting for duty or accountability you are in direct violation of Article 92 and can receive a summarized, company, or field grade article 15. This will depend on how many offenses you have in the past, your work ethic and the reason you failed to report. Given enough offenses you may be chaptered for patterns of misconduct.
Failure to Report negatively affects the United States Army in many ways. Let us say that SPC Snuffy misses accountability formation. He failed to report to his appointed place of duty. SPC Snuffy is not the only one who has consequences for his failure to report. He is part of a small team that affects a larger unit. Within his small team he could have soldiers under his care; he most likely has a non commissioned officer who is charged with his care. His soldiers look to him to be the middle man to help guide them day to day with his knowledge when given tasks. Accountability is very important in the Army. Accountability is taking responsibility for your actions and your items. By meaning what you say, saying what you mean, and doing what you say, when you say you will do it. By keeping track of all my items and equipment I can always be ready for anything that is needed of me by my country, my superiors, or other servicemen. Being accountable means being dependable. Where my country, my superiors and fellow servicemen can count on me in any situation. to know I will be there to do what is necessary.