Angela Wilson
Oklahoma Wesleyan University
“What Plagiarism Means to Me”
Plagiarism will not be tolerated by OKWU! This means to me as a student, I am solely responsible for my own writing and research on any given assignment. If I use a resource from another person, I need permission from that person and will site that person for their work. Participating in the act of plagiarism isn’t worth the consequences, I ‘d rather take a little extra time and do my work right, advantage is, there is always room to learn something new everyday in the work that is ask of you. I’ve work too long and hard to get this far, I’m not going risk my career for plagiarism.
Definition: “ The act of using another person’s ideas or expressions in writing without acknowledging the source.” (Oklahoma Wesleyan University AGS Student Handbook Online 2012-2013, “ Academic Honesty” p.30, paragraph 1).
1. Coping all or part of a theme, examination, paper, library reading report, or other assigned written work from another person’s production.
2. Quoting material from any source without proper documentation.
Consequences: Plagiarism may lead to dismal from the University. Faculty members are required to report each case to the Vice President for AGS. Unquestionable evidence will be in hand before any action will be taken to confront and accuse a student of plagiarism.
(Oklahoma Wesleyan University AGS Student Handbook Online 2012-2013, Academic Honesty” p.30, paragraph 2).
Oklahoma Wesleyan University (2012-2013). AGS Handbook Online.
American Psychological Association. (2012). The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Sixth Edition. Washington D.C. American Psychological Association.