Topic: In this writing class, what have you learned? What do you believe you still need to work on more? How/can you use what you have learned in other contexts?
I have two requests as you write: 1) Please write something substantial and well-considered (roughly 350-500 words). 2) Please refer to and point directly to pieces of writing you have done.
Debra's Mid-Term Reflections:
In this class, so far, I have practiced my writing skills continuously with the process and free writing journals. I have found that this practice and thinking of a topic to write my free writing journals about has helped me with my brainstorming problem and my writer's block. I also get great ideas for my novel, mentioned in previous assignments, while I'm writing these journals. The ideas do not always have anything to do with the journal topic at all, but I find that while my creative juices are flowing for the journals that I get the same affect as right before you go to bed when you get all those great ideas but don't want to get out of bed to write them down. Of coarse then, in the morning, you can't remember what you were thinking the night before. I just hate it when that happens. The wonderful thing about thinking of these things while writing the journals instead is that I already have out paper, I already have out pencil, and the thought doesn't get away from me before I write it down. That has truly helped me.
However, I still need to work on expanding my explanations and descriptions. Another thing that I am still struggling with and have been for a very long time is punctuation. The way I tell if something is punctuated correctly is I say it out loud and where there's