Scheme of Work – Literacy Level 2
The produced scheme of work is aimed at 16 to 18 year old learners who are enrolled on the “Entry to Employment” (“E2E”) programme. The programme is intended for unemployed young adults to assist them in improving their prospects of employment with training or of entering higher education. The programme is designed to include personal and social skills, vocational skills and Basic and Key Skills. In this context, much learning is intended to embed Basic and Key Skills into other areas of learning and vice-versa
Session Content
Sessions are based on the Skills for Life Teacher Resource Pack issued by the DfES, which is produced to support National Standards for Adult Literacy. These resources are designed to be based on real life situations, aimed at adults and to cover the Adult Literacy Core Curriculum.
Six modules have been used, one at level one and five at level two. I have divided each module over two sessions each lasting for two hours of classroom time.
Opportunities to complete tasks beyond the scope of the session are available as all learners have free study periods, which are supported by tutors. Extension activities using spelling and grammar exercises have been included and would also be completed in free study time.
I have decided on the sequence of topics based on Reece & Walker (2003, p239) suggesting that easiest topics could be tackled first, so starting the programme with level 1 activities. I have also taken sessions directly relevant to E2E learners, i.e. job search, and used these for the first few sessions as I have observed this type of learner questioning the relevance of various activities they are asked to undertake on the wider E2E programme.
Teaching and Learning Methods
Sessions are started with a directed section, explaining objectives to the learners, using visual aids (interactive whiteboard and data projector) and or audio clips to demonstrate
Bibliography: A.T.Graham (1999) Planning for Teaching & Learning, Resource Handbook Geoffrey Petty (2001) Teaching Today, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd Reece & Walker (2003) Teaching, Training and Learning ,Sunderland: Business Education Publishers Ltd.