Posted by: Anonymous
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Yes i think grocery bags should be banned for animal reasoning yes i belive that grocery bags should be bannned because they are dumped in a land fill for hundreds and or thousaond of years. Also animals could me hungry and eat the plastic and die and that is animal crulelty which I personaly am not that fond of. Also paper bag could make less polution and you can reuse them and they can hold more and not break i also belive that they dont break as easy. I also belive that colth bags are the best source of all because they can hold a ton of food and never break also they can be reasued many time and you can spend money one time to buy a cloth and get a discount which actualy save you money insted of spending money on paper bag. More about paper bags are that you can recycle them which goes to make more so you are actualy reusing them so it is like the some as buying a cloth bag because you are reusing them over and over again. And all you have to do to keep the cloth bags is put them in the back of your car and whenever you go to the store you just take them in the store with you and then you have them and then when you get home you can empty them and put them back in your car to reause them. And if you are