Plastic surgery can be a very dangerous procedure. Even through the dangers are rare, complications can still occur. The patient's health condition is very important going into surgery. If the patient does not have good health, the risk of complications increases. Plastic surgery is an outpatient procedure, meaning the patient goes home after the surgery. The patient is then left to care for him or herself during the healing process. Some of the less serious complications can occur during this healing process. The less serious complications include: infection, allergic reaction, or delayed or prolonged healing. The more serious complications occur during surgery. These more serious complications can include: blood clots, stroke, or sometimes in extreme cases death.
Aside that plastic surgery is dangerous; people still take advantage of the procedures. Most places that perform plastic surgery usually don't make the patient pay the money up front for the procedure. Instead, the surgeon allows the patient to make monthly payments. Some people that get plastic surgery don't even need the procedures done and the doctors still performs the surgery. A lot of paietents get muilple producers done. There are people who get so much plastic surgery to make themselves look perfect that by the time they are in their 60's they look disfigured and plastic. Some people get plastic surgery that don't even fit them, and they end up