On the other hand Donovan Killgallon sent in an application to The Little Baby Face Foundation, hoping that Dr. Romo could give him a bigger chin. At times the bullying got so bad that Donovan had suicidal thoughts. He would just put himself down and think less of himself. “There were times where people would walk around with their heads cocked back …show more content…
Romo performing cosmetic surgery on teens believe that after teens receive cosmetic surgery, the bullying won’t stop. Renata is one of the few teens that has received cosmetic surgery. Renata has tried everything to deal with her facial deformity, but nothing was working. According to Dr. Romo, "She hadn't been to school in two years because she was being bullied”. Renata lived in fear of people making fun of her, it got so bad that Renata refused to show her face in public and leave the house. Renata shared, "I haven't had any problems after surgery and nobody's saying anything negative about me. The whole thing has been better."(Dennis