E1: Collate evidence which describes the role of the practitioner in meeting children’s learning needs. * The practitioner’s role is meeting needs and supporting rights of children as suggested by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. ‘UNICEF’s mission is to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.’ http://www.unicef.org/crc/
Please see appendix 1 * The role of the practitioner in meeting children’s learning needs is to work with their families as said by the Nursery World. Making partnership with parents and carers essential if early years practitioners are to plan effectively for a child 's learning’http://www.nurseryworld.co.uk/news/721165/working-parents-support-childrens-learning/?DCMP=ILC-SEARCH
Please see appendix 2 * Another role of the practitioner in meeting children’s learning needs is to work in a team and other professionals as suggested by the Children and young people. ‘Multi-agency working brings together practitioners from different sectors and professions to provide an integrated way of working to support children, young people and families’http://www.education.gov.uk/childrenandyoungpeople/strategy/integratedworking/a0069013/multi-agency-working
Please see appendix 3
The practitioner’s role is to get training and development so they are more professional in their work as suggested by, The Family and Parenting Institute, ‘Poor communication and relationship skills on the part of practitioners have been identified as barriers to parental involvement. Training and support for practitioners is clearly an important part of tackling this barrier’.http://www.familyandparenting.org/our_work/All-Other-Subjects/Early-Home-Learning-Matters/Creating-Effective-Services/Trainingtheworkforce/Training-and-support-for-practitioners
Please see appendix 4
* The role
References: C2: ‘Observations may also help the practitioner realize that a child needs more support in a particular area of development such as speech and language’,(Tassoni P, 2007, pg. 108) A1:‘When working with parents it is therefore important to consider their wishes and to offer them high standards for the child’ (Tassoni P, 2007, pg. 218).