In order to get the Company’s human capital meet and pursue its target income and other goals, there must be enough motivation. Motivating employees shall be conformed to these two appropriate and applicable policies: MOTIVATION THROUGH REWARDS There will be compensation packages: (1) vacation leave with pay if able to meet the target; (2)gift certificates and discount cards if able to meet target; (3) appliance showcases if able to do better than the set goal (4) increase in salary if able to double expected output (5)piece rate incentives²the incentive will be equal to 5% of the value of every 100 products and is doubled if sales target is doubled e.g. Php500 for every 100 products sold and Php 2000 for every 200 products sold; (6) promotion if contributed30% share in the total sales of the company (7) recognition every anniversary of the company with cash incentive e.g. Most Outstanding Employee, Best Performing Team, Most Innovative Team/Department of the Year. MOTIVATION THROUGHQUALITY-OF-WORK-LIFE PROGRAMS. The Company will allow its employees choose their own schedule. They can choose from an 8-hour/5-day schedule or a 10-hour/4-day schedule. They can also choose their own time of arrival and departure but this is only offered to the 8-hour/5-day schedule. The range will be: 7-4, 8-5and 9-6. Grace period of 15 minutes is also given.
LEADERSHIP STYLE Leading is a matter of influencing, inspiring, motivating and guiding others to a uniform direction and a common purpose. Top management of PLDT, will lead their people to ensure that the company’s goals and objectives are fulfilled. The leadership style will be DEMOCR ATIC in nature. Allowing their subordinates to participate in the planning and decision processes. They are free to suggest and clear things with me²two-way flow of communication. But, the decisions and actions shall be superior over the subordinates and shall take all