Plumbago zeylanica L. belonging to the family Plumbaginaceae is an important plant of medicinal value. In the Arabian Peninsula, it is mainly distributed over Oman, Yemen and the Southwestern region of Saudi Arabia. The use of the roots of P. zeylanica for treating skin problems has been recorded by early Muslim physicians. P. zeylanica is greatly valued in Ayurveda for treatment of cough, asthma and gastrointestinal disorders. In Sushrutha Samhitha it has been described as antiseptic, febrifuge, detoxicant, antihelminthic and considered valuable for curing migraine, jaundice, urinary calculi, internal abscesses, seminal weakness, vaginal discharges and insanity. The leaves and roots are used as an appetite depressant and …show more content…
zeylanica were first subjected for purification and detoxification by soaking them in lime water for 48 hours and further drying (Shasthri, 2012). The shade dried purified drug was pulverized and finely sieved. Weighed quantity of coarse powdered drug was soaked in ethanol (99.9%) / water (1:1) in a percolator for 24 hrs. The soluble portion was filtered through a filter paper and dried on water bath in a weighed evaporating dish. The extracts were dried under vacuum and stored in desiccator until use for further analysis.
Experimental Animals
Swiss albino mice weighing 25-30 g body weight were procured from animal house attached to Pharmacology laboratory at SDM Centre for research in Ayurveda and Allied Sciences, Udupi, Karnataka. Before the experimental study, approval of Institutional Animal Ethical Committee was taken. Animals were housed in 525 x 330 x 230 mm polypropylene cages; 6 mice per cage with paddy husk bedding at temperature 250 C ± 20 C and humidity 50± 5 % during the entire duration of the experimentation. The mice were provided with normal diet and water ad …show more content…
0n 8th day an hour after drug administration a single dose of cisplatin (20mg/kg body weight) was injected intraperitonially to all the group except normal control group mice. After 48h hours, i.e. on 10th day, an hour after test drug administration the animals were sacrificed and blood was collected from retro-orbital puncture. The blood was allowed to clot and the serum was separated for biochemical estimations. The kidney was dissected out, kept in 10% formalin and used for antioxidant and histological examination.
Assessment of renal