The scope is the most important element to understand about any project. All planning andallocation of resources are anchored to this understanding. Scope creep is a significant risk insoftware development projects. We discuss why this is so, and how to avoid or at least mitigatethe risk. New software is usually developed as a result of a customer identifying a need. Thenext step is to specify how the software will meet that need; specifically, what functionality willbe developed. The scope and budget are set, the team knows what they're delivering, andeveryone is ready to begin. The Project Management Institute Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) defines product scope as the features and functions that are to beincluded in a product or service. It defines project scope as the work that must be done todeliver a product with the specified features and functions. Project scope management isdefined as the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, andonly the work required, to complete the project successfully.
The PMBOK Guide addresses four elements related to scope:Scope:
Scope is the summation of all deliverables required as part of the project. This includesall products, services and results.
Project Scope:
This is the work that must be completed to achieve the final scope of the project, namely theproducts, services and end results.
Scope Statement:
This is a document that provides the basis for making future decisions such as scope changes.The intended use of the document is to make sure that all stakeholders have a commonknowledge of the project scope. Included in the document are the objectives, description of thedeliverables, end result or project, and justification of the project. The scope statementaddresses seven questions who, what, when, why, where, how and how money. This documentvalidates the project scope