The type of business to be established is a sole trader business. A sole trader business is a business owned by one person. Local creations will be the name of the entrepreneur’s business and it will be involved in the production of locally made items. The business involves secondary production, this means that industries take raw materials and change them into finished goods. In the business raw materials such as straw, sea shells, flowers, clay and many more to make finished products such as pillows, bouquets of flowers, chains, cold pots and many more.
Objectives: * The business will make a profit of at least 20% within the first two and a half years of operations by meeting the needs and wants of customers and selling the products at the most reasonable prices. * The business will expand after 5 year period by training people who are willing to learn about producing crochet and many other natural products and items.
Mission Statement:
“Advancing the future through creativity and productivity”
Justification of location
Local creations will be located in Jeremie Street in the capital city of Castries, close to other major business and shopping areas.
Three reasons why this place was chosen:
* It would be an ideal location for the business because it would be situated between many shopping malls where tourists visit e.g. La Place Carenage.
* Availability of raw materials e.g. embroidery, thread, needles and sewing supplies will be low because local creations will be located in the middle of the city and there are major shopping areas. This will make it easier and very convenient to get the business raw materials.
* There will be easy access to infrastructure such as electricity, roads and telephone lines which will be essential to the proper functioning of local creations.
Selection of Appropriate Labour
Local creations will be involved in skilled and semi skilled labour. The
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