The emergence of the internet has brought about many advertising opportunities.
Podcasting/Vlogging is one recent innovation in Internet communication and entertainment. Businesses serving niche market are capitalizing on this new concept to directly target their markets with there advertisements.
This assignment attempts to broaden ones understanding of this new initiative and how it fits into the marketing world. For the purpose of this assignment we are going to refer to Podcasting as a general term to describe both Podcasting and Vlogging.
What is podcasting and vlogging?
"Podcasting" derives its name from Apple Computer Corporation's iPod. This however has become total contrary to what Podcasting is all about. The name is no longer specifically related to iPod but instead refers to any software and hardware combination that permits automatic downloading of audio files (An MP3 player is most commonly used, as per format) for all end-users convenience. Unlike the traditional radio or other Web-based streaming media, Podcasts allows listeners to have the freedom of time and place, in other words listeners have the ability to decide and control what programming they want to receive and when they want to hear the recording. It is the new radio on demand with online media delivery.
Podcasting's roots reportedly date back to 2001 and are closely linked to the development of blogs (or web logs). It was derived from the desire to have downloadable audio and video content delivered automatically to your digital media player (eg. your iPod). In addition to this, people were interested in providing content for Podcasts. Many technologies had to be in place for this to work including generally available high-speed Internet access, MP3 formats, software that automatically tells you when a podcast/blog update has occurred, and digital media players.
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