1.1 Company Characteristic
Pokka Corporation is a large Multi-National Company, which operates in about 5 business segments. They are Food and Beverage products, which is one of its main business segments and offers products like coffee beverages, fruits and vegetable beverages, health foods and so on. (CreditRiskMonitor.com, 2008).
Pokka’s key marketing skill is its innovation. The ever-changing consumer tastes and preferences, causes companies like Pokka to be innovative and very consumer conscious. Pokka continuously produces new beverages to meet the needs of these consumers. Furthermore, they have food technologist from Japan, who has joined their Research and Development team to help develop new and exciting products. According to their website, the R&D department has come up with 40 new varieties beverage products, which are now being sold in countries around the world. (Pokka.ListedCompany.com, 2008)
Pokka philosophy is Delighting customers through a commitment to provide "BEST-IN-CLASS" products and services and Pokka vision is to be the "BEST-IN-CLASS" beverage contract manufacturer of choice. From statement above we can know that Pokka want to become the best in the industry by providing the customers with good quality product and excellent services to customers so whenever customers think beverage product they will think of Pokka (Pokka Ace, 2008).
In 2008 Pokka revenue increase 15.4% from last year, also Pokka net profit increase 273.3% from 2.5 to 9.4 million US dollar. This is the first time Pokka company gain double digit revenue growth rate in six years (Pokka Annual Report, 2008).
Pokka board of director
|Name |Position |
|Mr Akifumi Ito |Chairman
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