Poland’s Comprehensive Gas Supply Security Strategy 2005-2013
The present gas supply security strategy provides the national framework for a key strategic issue, serving as a point of reference in the gas sector.
The overall objective is to harmonize gas supply security with political and economic strategies, and developmental plans to ensure sufficient, reliable and affordable gas supply for Polish domestic consumption in the following period.
According to the Polish Energy Law Act (2005), the Polish Government is obliged to publish every four years a document on Energy Policy. The recent events of the international gas market, howwever, require Poland to develop her gas strategy within and in harmony with its Energy Policy, as a guidance to represent the country’s interests in an unified way.
Objective 1. Ensuring necessary volumes and reliable supplies
Gas, being a significant energy source for the country and its economy, should be taken as a key strategic issue in international relations. The purchase of gas through the Yamal pipeline from Gazprom, Russia as well as the transmission of gas to Germany, the maintenance of the pipeline and management of sheduling, volumes and storage involves several companies and parties, firstly, EuRoPol GAZ, a joint venture of Gazprom and PGNiG, founding the most important long term partnership between Russia and Poland.
Even though Poland is still relying heavily on other energy sources, for example coal, it is anticipated that Poland's total demand for natural gas will increase from 10 billion cu m (353 billion cubic ft.) to 22-27 cu m (777 to 954 billion cubic ft.) by 2010[1] due to restructuring and increased demand. The sourcing of the present demand and the increased volume is subject of the present strategy.
Diversification and Development of pipelines
Since gas is expected to be used more widely both by industrial and domestic consumers, it is essential that transmission should be well