Although, it was not until the nineteenth century that police corruption became a widespread issue across the country, particularly throughout large urban cities. During this time, American policing agencies were plagued with heavy political influence. In fact, to fill a position with the New York City Police Department the only requirement was a monetary payment of $300 to the Tammy Hall political foundation (Walker, Spohn, & DeLone, 2012 Pg. 24). Such acts coupled with the lack of training for newly appointed and seasoned officers alike only fueled the effects of departmental corruption. Examples of which can be seen throughout the history of the New York City Police Department during the 1931 Seabury Investigation, the 1972 Knapp Commission Investigation, and the 1994 Mollen Commission Investigation, although, this type of corruption was not confined to the city of New York
Although, it was not until the nineteenth century that police corruption became a widespread issue across the country, particularly throughout large urban cities. During this time, American policing agencies were plagued with heavy political influence. In fact, to fill a position with the New York City Police Department the only requirement was a monetary payment of $300 to the Tammy Hall political foundation (Walker, Spohn, & DeLone, 2012 Pg. 24). Such acts coupled with the lack of training for newly appointed and seasoned officers alike only fueled the effects of departmental corruption. Examples of which can be seen throughout the history of the New York City Police Department during the 1931 Seabury Investigation, the 1972 Knapp Commission Investigation, and the 1994 Mollen Commission Investigation, although, this type of corruption was not confined to the city of New York