
Police Officer Discrimination Essay

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Police Officer Discrimination Essay
Should Police Officer Who Lies Be Terminated?
There are many instances where police officer need to take the stand or go to court due to the reports that they take. When under oath you are supposed to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, how can you do this when you are known to lie as a police officer. A police officer is an employee of the government, when a person is hired to become a police officer there are code of conducts that you learn in the police academy (Spector, 2008). These codes of conduct allow you to understand what is acceptable on the job and the responsibilities that you have with the department. Could you trust an officer to testify when they are known to lie?
Simple, but Fair
When it comes to the question of termination of a police officer due to lying, this is not a simple yes or no answer. I highly believe that there should be consequences for those who do lie. If a police officer is caught of lying and this is first offense I do not believe that they should be terminated. I do believe that they should suffer some type of consequence such as leave without pay for a certain of time, or have that officer take some type of class that teaches
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The other possibilities that could occur through the family is the constant fear if their love one could obtain another job in the field. Their livelihood is at stake when an officer is terminated from the department. When an officer loses their jobs, they lose the benefits of health insurance, and 401k. This can cause significant amounts of stress in the family. As I have mentioned before in the paper the topic of termination of a police officer is not simple yes or no answer. There are other variables that are involved with a person being terminated from a job for

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