Underlying issues that have contributed to behaviour of the induvial that have sworn to “serve, assist and protect” is that some may have the ideals of higher authority and are able to evade consequences. Being supported by the brotherhood and services subsides repercussions for officers that are using their higher authority to manipulate and conduct poor equality standards to each …show more content…
Not just training in general, correct and unbiased training. Using over generalized stereotypes is inaccurate. Police officers should be trained on cultures that they are potentially we will be dealing with most of the time in their community or even direct beat. Not knowing the culture or ideals for an officer is going to be an immense struggle to come up with a compromised conclusion that works for both the individual and officer. Policing on reserves must have a different approach compared to community policing in small to mid-sized towns. For one, when having members of the aboriginal community policing this is a huge benefit because when dealing with policing services from off reserve, first nations people are void and uncooperative because of past altercations and failed promises with governments. When knowing about past issues, an officer ca try and relate and understand where an individual’s stand point