It is easy to view the judiciary as separate from politics; judges are appointed for life, they do not depend of the popular vote for election thus they do not have to campaign. However, just because politics are not inherently present does not mean they do not have a role in the world that is the judiciary.
Describe two political factors that affect president’s decisions to appoint members of the federal judiciary
A president’s decision for judicial nominees is affected by many factors. A few examples of these factors are gender, race and professional credibility. Society is bursting with stereotypes and stigmas. Because …show more content…
To start, the advice and consent of the Senate affects the process as the Senate and Judiciary Committee as they may not approve of the President’s nominee, and just as it is vital for a future significant other to attain the approval of the best friend it is fundamental the Senate and Judiciary Committee confirm the President’s nominee. Continuing with this theme, the majority party of the Senate- if it differs from the President- may choose to block appointments by filibustering, which is basically a bona fide weed killer, it can kill just about every undesirable outcome there is. Finally, the process all comes to an end with the big guy, metaphorically of course. If the President appointment is to a court lower than the Supreme Court, then the senior senator from the state where the judge is being appointed may disapprove of the nominee. Senatorial courtesy can be compared to receiving a blessing for being wed; not impossible without, but definitely infinitely more complicated without.
Explain how one legislative power serves as a check on court decisions
Legislative checks on court decisions come in many forms. The legislative branch has the power to impeach judges for misconduct, as well as the power to delay or limit spending on policies implemented as a result of court decisions. Essentially the legislative branch