2. The “Broken Windows” strategy brought to New York by former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was a theory that general crime rates can be reduced by severely applying laws against petty offenses. This in turn leads into more arrests, which I believe adds more problems rather than solves them. As a contrast to community policing which is more effective. Due to getting to understand the community and knowing where large areas of crime taking place. Also recognizing individuals in the streets and winning over their confidence and respect. …show more content…
The arguments for the death penalty consists of Americans feeling a strong sense of justice that demands retribution for heinous crimes, or ‘a life for a life’. The death penalty shows that society doesn’t excuse the taking of innocent lives and that a jail sentence for murder wouldn’t be suffice for the life of an innocent victim. Arguments against the death penalty involve people who believe it is applied unequally, because a large proportion of those executed have been poor, uneducated, and nonwhite. My outlook on it is that I’m in-between the death penalty, yes I understand that a murder should be able to live on this Earth, but having to kill by something like legal injection is an unusual