Political Parties
Ever since the signing of the Constitution in 1787, the United States has had a two-party system. The disagreement between the Federalists and Anti Federalists on the ratification of the Constitution sparked opposing political factions, such as the Republican and Democratic parties that still function today, and hinder the progress of our government. There are many issues today that these two parties disagree on, some that gravely impact the social and moral progress of the United States – one of these controversial issues is same-sex marriage. The two major political parties have opposing opinions regarding the prospect of same-sex marriage legalization in the United States. The Republicans seem to be strongly against it, believing that marriage is, and should always be, a relationship between a man and woman. A lot of this opinion comes from their strong religious morals. Because the majority of Republicans are a part of the Catholic or Christian church, they often turn to their religious beliefs when it comes to issues like same-sex marriage. Marriage originated almost entirely from religion, specifically the Christian faith. It was completely controlled by the church courts and of course, was between a man and a woman. Christian Republicans believe that America should stand by the morals and tradition that it was originally founded on, and although the nation was founded on a strict division of church and state, it has been strictly defined since our nation’s birth, that marriage “should” be between a man and a woman. With same sex marriage growing to be one of the biggest issues in our country today, and the increase in number of people who support it, Republicans feel like if they do not begin to change their views and opinions, they may face a threat of no further reelections and a boycott of their party. Although more and more people are coming out and saying that they have changed their views, it is clear that it is simply a tactic to win
Cited: Baker, Brittney. "Same Sex Marriage and Religon: An Inappropriate Relationship." e-Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct 2013.
Dunsing, Mariah. "DOMA and Prop 8: Why Republicans Oppose Same Sex Marriage." Policymic. Mic Network Inc, n.d. Web. 6 Oct 2013.
Graham, Lester. "Political Parties differ on Same Sex Marriage." Michigan Radio. Michigan Public Media, 7 Sep 2012. Web. 6 Oct 2013.
Izade, Elahi. "Why Are These Democrats Suddenly Supporting Gay Marriage?." NationalJournal. National Journal Group Inc, 27 Mar 2013. Web. 6 Oct 2013.