Differences and Driving Forces Political Science - General Political Science Individual Assignment: Political Parties Paper
· Find Web sites that explain positions of major political parties, such as www.rnc.org, www.democrats.org, or http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/psusp.html#party
· Select a major national issue.
· Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper, explaining differences in position on the issue between the parties. Smaller parties may be included.
· Include the following elements:
o Identify forces in the party that help drive it toward its position.
o Discuss how the groups educate its members, the public, and the government about its concerns or mission. …show more content…
o Discuss factors that promote and inhibit corporate influence on your issue.
o Explain why the U.S. political structure encourages major political parties and the effect this has on your issue.
o Determine if social mobility affects political party identification. A registered independent may vote one way instead of the other.
o Summarize the role of political parties and their effectiveness as change agents versus preserving the status quo. Going to college is an experience that will help you shape your personality and build a better future for yourself. It is important that you think about your decision carefully, compare different schools and programs and find a way to finance your education. Read this article to learn more about college.
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Differences and Driving Forces Political Science - General Political Scien...
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