Paper II Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks 300
Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English. Answers must be written in the medium specified in the Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Certificate. Candidates should attempt Questions no. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.
IMPORTANT : Whenever a question is being attempted, all its parts/sub-parts must be attempted contiguously. This means that before moving on to the next question to be attempted, candidates must finish attempting all parts/sub-parts of the previous question attempted. This is to be strictly followed.
Pages left blank in the answer-book are to be clearly struck out in ink. Any answers that follow pages left blank may not be given credit.
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SECTION A 1. Answer the following in about 150 words each : (a) 12x5=60
"Examining political phenomena through a process of cross-global investigation has become the fundamental function of Comparative Politics." Discuss.
How did the struggle for representation increase the level and quality of democracy in the industrial societies ?
Do you agree that liberal international theories are essentially 'Eurocentric' and not necessarily imperialist ?
Review the increasing role of Multi National Corporations in the policy making process of developing countries.
Why is the 'polarity of power' thesis less relevant and meaningful in the present architecture of 'balance of power' ?
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