GOL - 111 – Lecture
Writing Assignment
Ponar In my experience of an oceanography cruise, there was so much to see and learn all at once. Collecting data, recording data, and actively participating in using various objects to collect the data was very interesting. Nikon bottle, Refractometer, Secchi Disk, Plankton and Otter-Trawl, to name a view, were the various instruments we used to collect the data we need as the science crew. In analyzing the various aspect of the ocean, the Ponar was the most interesting object we used. It appeared to be this big heavy object that was thrown into the ocean and pulled back up and opened for review. However, that is only part of the description of a Ponar, it is more than just that and is very important in collecting ocean sediments. …show more content…
The name Ponar, according to the Grand Valley State University manual, comes from the Great Lakes scientists, Charles E. Powers, Robert A. Ogle, Jr., Vincent E. Noble, John C. Ayers, and Andrew Roberson. According to the Grand Valley State University manual, it states that “the Ponar grab sampler is lowered to the bottom where contact with the bottom sets off the trigger and a strong spring snaps the jaws shut trapping a sample of the bottom inside.” It is held together by two important pins, which are the safety pin and the spring pin. These pins are important because they make sure that the Ponar opens and closes securely so that sediments can be collected properly. This equipment was very heavy and had to be thrown into the ocean by the ship’s